Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Team Toni!

Good Morning!

Laying heavy on my mind today is a lovely young woman with the name of Toni Black. Toni was diagnosed with stage four cancer of the lungs and brain back in March of 2011.  Not knowing who Toni Black was, I began to follow her story through the news and social media. Realizing that she was 23, the exact age I am today, really opened my eyes and heart. What a strong person to have gone through what she did at such a young age: all with her smile and faith in God. She went to be with the Lord on April 9th, 2012.

For those in the community, I'm sure you've heard of "Team Toni" and/or seen the pink Team Toni shirts that hundreds of us wear. THIS is what it's for! Team Toni is a non profit organization that is allowing Toni's legacy and wishes to carry on. This is where you step in....

I've posted before about volunteering and how much better it feels to GIVE rather than receive and I will stand by this statement again and again. Awhile back my best friend Casey and I felt lead to become involved with Team Toni in some way. After looking through the different options, we felt the "Send A Squeeze" service was best fit for us. Every couple weeks an email is sent to us from Team Toni, informing us of patients/people who need our prayers and their spirits lifted. Their story, along with their name and address is provided to us. Once this info is sent our way, it's then time to get the pens moving and the stamps ready! As Team Toni puts it, "You send a squeeze through a note or card to someone who needs it most, and you’ll be helping the healing from the outside in!"

There are so many different ways you can volunteer through Team Toni. I encourage you to head on over to their website. You'll be able to learn more about Toni and her journey, find ways to volunteer, make donations, see photos/videos, stay up to date with Team Toni events and prayer lists, and much more.


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