Thursday, July 19, 2012


Good Morning! The weekend is almost here and I must say, I am SUPER excited! My entire family is going to be in town at the same time (even my Georgia peaches will be here). My uncle has taken his precious time and searched through all of our family pictures through the years and converted them into a movie DVD! In celebration, we will be poolside on Saturday catching some rays, grubbin on some fantastic food, and of course- watching this fantastic DVD! Shout to to you Uncle Kev- you never cease to amaze us!

On to the donation...BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS! I recently came across a post by Kati Bailey (you rock, Kati!) about a current event being hosted by this organization. As everyone knows, there are so many children out there that don't have that support and guidance they need at home or through their family, but that's where BBBS steps in! The mission of BBBS is to provide guidance and companionship to youth through a one on one relationship with a caring volunteer to help them in reaching their highest potential.

Doing clinicals and working with teachers in the school system has truly opened my eyes to how many of these student's in the tri-state NEED our support. As you've probably learned in my previous post, school supplies aren't cheap when you have so much to buy BUT there's a kicker! BBBS is hosting a School Supplies Drive! They want to make sure that every child in their program has the basics to start back to school. How cool is this!? There's different ways you can help: Donate financially, sponser a child, or purchase a few items and take it to their drop off areas (listed below). Even if it's a pack of pencils I promise you it will be appreciated.

Below is the needs list that has been provided by Big Brothers Big Sisters.

Elementary School:
Wide rule paper
Fat markers
Glue sticks

Middle School:
Loose leaf paper
Colored pencils
Binders and folders
The drive started July 16th and ends July 31st (We have 12 days to get things rollin!) I'm asking YOU to please consider helping in any way you think you can. I understand that you all live very busy lives but don't worry, I can help! If you'd like to donate, let me know, and I'll be more than happy to collect your goodies and take it to their Huntington collection site when I take mine.

Collection areas are: Hungtinton (501 5th Ave Suite 3 Huntington, WV 25701) and Ashland (1505 Carter Ave Ste 100 Ashland, K...Y 41101) offices.

Again, please let me know if you'd like to help! I will be taking donations to the Huntington site on July 30th and wouldn't mind one bit taking yours as well! I'll leave you with one of my favorite qoutes...

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give- Winston Churchill 

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