Hi strangers! I can't remember the last time I've had a free moment to blog, but it feels good to be back! Summer is here and school is out (although I'm still taking an online course) but I'm not letting it stop me from all of the fun summer festivities! I've had such a wonderful summer thus far- and I'm ready to share it with you!
I finished my first two summer courses in three and half weeks. (Shewwww! It felt good to get that out of the way!). From there, I immediately started an online course that last throughout the summer. If all goes as planned, I will finish by July 9th-- about a month early. (Crossing my fingers). One step closer to graduation. Can I get an Amen!?
Those of you that know me well know I love to travel as much as a I possibly can. I've been keeping the roads hot so here's a recap of the past couple weeks:
No better way to start the summer off than a wedding! "Mrs. House" makes one beautiful bride!
My sweet little Georgia Peach came for a visit! My oldest friend right here, folks! Boy has time flown since the 2nd grade!
Sarah and I headed to Portsmouth,OH to see a good friend and listen to some Easton Corbin!
I then had a much needed beach trip with my other Sarah (yes, it can get quite confusing with two sarahs) & her fam! A wonderful time with wonderful people!
The day after I got back, I made my way to Point Pleasant with these pretty ladies for some great music by Kip Moore! If you're a country fan, listen to his new album "Up All Night"- It's absolutely fantastic! If you're not a country music fan, still listen- this album will convert you into one ;)
My best friend and I then took off to Bluefield, WV for the Eric Church, Lee Brice, and Jake Owen concert! It ended up getting cancelled due to weather- but we still managed to have a great night!
The next day, Lee Brice played a free concert at the Riverfront so my good friend Scott & I took advantage of it! (Just a little FYI ladies and gentlemen- if you're wanting to learn how to Wobble- this is the man for the job). Anyways...great music on the river and great company? Don't have to ask me twice!

Overall, it's been a fun past couple weeks to say the least! After returning from Bluefield, all I could think about was my comfy bed. Unfortunately, we were one of the lucky ones WITHOUT power due to that nasty storm. So, my family packed up and headed to my mamaws house. By family I mean my parents and all my sweet cousins who live directly behind me. It's unbelievable the amount of things in life we take for granted such as air conditioning, power, etc. Definitely made me realize how blessed I really am! The precious time I got to spend with my family beats any concert/roadtrip in my book! It was two nights full of snacking on some great food at mamaws house all cuddled up with my cousins watching the Disney channel. Precious moments! I believe it took me right back to my childhood!
Welllllllllll, I am offically worn out after writing and I'm sure you are too if you've made it to the end of this blog! ;) Ya'll have a great Monday and stay cool out there- it's a hot one!