We had to decorate outside of the classroom door to make the students feel welcome. I actually forgot to take a picture of the end result of my decorated door, but here's part of it. This poster hung on the middle of the door. There were cut out letters taped to the door that read, "Race Into Success". I asked my five students (my classmates) to give me their first grade picture (if they could find it) so I could hang it on the poster. Two of them found theirs, and boy were they cute!
Here is the students Hot/Cold Attendance Chart. This allowed me to see if students were eating in the cafeteria (Hot) or if they brought their lunch (Cold). At the same time, it also let me know if any students were absent. At the bottom of the poster is a car, with each students name on it. Each morning, they are to make a "Pit Stop" at this chart to move the car on the correct road which specifies which lunch they are having that day. The cars (students) that didn't get moved up onto a road, are absent. This is killing two birds with one stone! TIME is something teachers don't have enough of, so this is a great way to knock these two morning procedures out together!
"Peacemakers or Peacebreakers?" Here was something I introduced to the students that really targeted behavior and how I expected them to act in order to "Stay On Track." I didn't want to come straight in and tell them "Don't do this, don't do that." So, I figured this was a great way to get the main rules introduced to them in a positive way. Some of the pieces to this were glued, but others were velcroed. I left the velcroed pieces off and stuck them in each child's grab bag (you'll see below). I told them that Ms. Morgan had a little trouble putting them on the correct side, so I needed their help! Each student grabbed the pieces out of their bag and stuck them on the correct side! Peacemakers (good behavior) and Peacebreakers (Bad behavior). Thanks to www.teacherspayteachers.com for this awesome idea!
Here is the grab bags (before they were filled.) Each students name is across the front of the bag. Inside is the peacemaker/peacebreaker pieces, pencils, erasers, bracelets in the shape of a car, and a personalized note from Ms.Morgan welcoming them into the first grade, I had so much fun making these!
AND here is.... a big jumbo mess! Haha! We had to do an "About me", so the students could learn about their brand new teacher! I asked the students to tell me what makes a car go around. They told me "tires". I then pulled out my tire and told them, "Now, I'm going to tell you what makes Ms.Morgan's world go around!" So cheesy, but so fun! I push pinned each little item to the tire. The sunglassses represented warm weather and the beach, concert ticket stub representing my love for country music and concerts (my best friend, Casey and I are complete concert junkies), zumba key chain for my love for staying fit, MLB Club Card and baseball bracelet (Go Braves!), and my coffee card (my lifeline). There were a few more things pinned on the tire as well, but I won't bore you!
The tire is actually a dog toy! Not only did it represent what makes my world go around, but also my love for my two chiwuawas (Roxy and Chance) :)
And that was my project! Even though I had a ton of fun putting all of this together, I'm glad to have the assignment behind me! Four more days of classes and I'm counting down the hours! Thanks for reading and have a great weekend everyone!
Morgan Blair :)